Welcome to Moon Dust, a SFW free digital fanzine for the pairing Shigaraki x Miruko

The zine and digital merch are available for free HERE

Moon Dust is co-moderated by the lovely Mod Phoenix and Mod Geary!

Administration, Formatting, and Writing Mod
Experience: A writer in 15+ zines, currently a Mod Intern for Quirk no Jutsu.
Favorite thing about Dustbunny: I love how both of them are completely unapologetically themselves and don't shy away from throwing themselves into the heart of the fight. Also the idea of the most wanted villain in Japan crushing on the number 5 hero? Priceless. And they are both very pretty. That's an important thing to note.

Administration, Graphics, and Art Mod
Experience: This will be my first zine!
Favorite thing about Dustbunny: I love the potential for antics that these two have. I think they could get into a lot of troublesome situations together, especially since they're on opposing sides. Also, the AU potential for them is so much fun!

Current Stage: Released!

Interest Check Opens - December 2
Interest Check Closes - December 23
Contributor Apps Open - January 2
Contributor Apps Close - January 30
Contributor Decisions By - February 6-7
Creation Period - February 13 - May 22
Pitches Decided - February 20
First Check In -March 20
Second Check In - April 17
Final Check In - May 15
Final Pieces Due - May 22
Zine Release - August 2, 2021

What is Moon Dust?
Moon Dust is a free, digital only (PDF) fanzine exploring the relationship between Shigaraki and Miruko, also known as DustBunny. The zine will feature illustrations, fanfiction, comics, and digital merch from our accepted contributors!
Who is running this zine?
This zine is being run by Phoenix and Geary. Check out our mod page for more information!
What is your schedule?
You can find our schedule by clicking the schedule button on the bottom of this page.
Will background ships be allowed?
We will be allowing background ships, but we ask that they not be the focus piece.
Will there be NSFW?
We will not be allowing NSFW content in the zine.
Are AUs allowed?
Yes! We encourage contributors to explore different scenarios and worlds!
How do I apply?
The application period is now over. We have accepted contributors and beginning our creation phase.
What does “digital merch” include?
Our digital merch options will include: a phone wallpaper/printable trading card, icons, and discord emotes.
Where else can I find you?
You can find us on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and CuriousCat! Links to our socials can be found on the home page.
Will there be manga spoilers?
Yes! However with the way our schedule and check-ins are laid out, they are unlikely to be recent and will be weeks or even months old by the time the zine is released to the public.
What are the zine’s specs?
The zine will be formatted with A5 dimensions, single pages only, no spreads. Fics will have a word count of 2500 to 3500 words.

Application Requirements

Contributor applications will be live for four weeks, from January 2 to January 30, and will be done through Google Forms.

Applications for the different positions will be collected through a single form, as opposed to separate forms for each position.

If an applicant wishes to apply to more than one position, they may do so by submitting the form multiple times, one for each position. If accepted, applicants will only be selected for one of the positions they applied for, and will be notified in their acceptance email which position they have been accepted as.

Results will be sent February 6-7

Writer Applications

Writer applications will ask for the following:

Number of samples: 2 required, 1 optional but highly encouraged.

Wordcount: Samples must be between 2000 and 3500 words.

You will be asked to link to your AO3 or other profile to serve as a portfolio.

Content requirements:

We ask that samples reflect your best work, with at least one of your samples featuring either Miruko or Shigaraki.

No NSFW samples will be judged.

We request that samples either be one-shots, or excerpts from a longer work that can stand alone as a full scene from start to finish within the specified word count.

We will be judging characterization, grammar and flow, and storytelling.

Page/Comic Artist Applications

Page Artist applications will ask for the following:

Number of samples: 3 required

You will be asked to link to an art portfolio/website that collects your best works.

Content requirements:

We ask that your three samples feature your best work.

Samples do not have to feature dustbunny, Shigaraki, or Miruko, but we do require that somewhere in the artist’s linked portfolio there is at least one piece featuring Shigaraki or Miruko.

No NSFW artwork will be judged.

We request that samples reflect what a fully colored and completed piece of art looks like for the artist, demonstrating an ability to fill the whole page.

We will be judging anatomy, use of background, style, and composition.
Comic Artist applications will ask for the following:

Number of samples: 3 required

You will be asked to link to an art portfolio/website that collects your best works.

Content requirements:

At least one of the samples must be a completed comic of up to 6 pages.

We ask that your three samples reflect your best work.

Samples do not have to feature dustbunny, Shigaraki, or Miruko, but we do require that somewhere in the artist’s linked portfolio there is at least one piece featuring Shigaraki or Miruko.

No NSFW artwork will be judged.
We request that samples reflect what a completed comic would look like for the artist.

We will be judging storytelling, readability and use of panels, anatomy, and character.

Merch Artist Applications

Merch Artist Applications will ask for the following:

Number of samples: 3

You will be asked to link to an art portfolio/website that collects your best works.

Applicants will be asked to list what types of merch they are interested in producing. Options are: phone wallpaper, desktop wallpaper, icons, discord emotes, and coloring pages.

Content requirements:

We ask that samples reflect a similar style to the type of merch that you would like to make.

We ask that your three samples feature your best work.

Samples do not have to feature dustbunny, Shigaraki, or Miruko, but we do require that somewhere in the artist’s linked portfolio there is at least one piece featuring Shigaraki or Miruko.

No NSFW art will be judged.

We will be judging ability to adhere to the chosen format, which could include: line art, color, and use of a small canvas.